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Blame It on the Moon Page 7
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Page 7
Blame It on the Moon
Chapter Six
The Friday night opening tested Kit’s nerves.
“Grr,” she said when she bumped into Gina once again. Gina’s short black hair, pinned back with a dozen tiny barrettes, was poking up in odd places, and her face was flushed. They had two full carts of returns waiting to be shelved, and no time to shelve them. The customers had taken to simply grabbing what they wanted off the carts, whether they’d been checked back in or not. She’d caught a little boy shoplifting some gummies, and something had popped the circuit breaker, causing her computers to shut down mid-transaction. She’d heard raucous yelling from the pub when the lights went out. But then the blasting music had pulsed through the wall again as power returned. The voices crescendoed, and Kit sighed. It only took her five minutes to reboot the computers and another five to complete the transaction for an impatient customer.
But at least business was brisk. It was early evening yet. A radio van with squawking DJs and a TV truck were parked out front. Extension cords crisscrossed the sidewalk. She’d peeked outside when she’d heard the sexy tones of Haden’s voice. Someone from the radio held a mike in his face, asking him bland questions to which Haden had responded with his characteristic sexy brogue. He was a natural salesman, making a simple restaurant opening sound like an event. When he’d noticed Kit hanging out the door, he’d winked in her direction before refocusing on the reporter, never losing the conversational flow. There wasn’t going to be a woman in Richmond not in love with the sound of his voice.
Interesting that he’d refused to be interviewed on camera, though.
An hour later, Kit’s head throbbed. Maybe the stress was making it harder for her to adjust to the mental din as she usually did on busy nights. Every person who walked within a few feet of her had his or her own little monologue going on. Gina’s one-track mind was on her boyfriend. Customer number five zillion and one wanted a comedy, but they all sucked and nothing was in, and why did he come to this rinky-dink store, anyway? Customer five zillion and three couldn’t believe the line for the pub zigzagged to the end of the shopping center, and she only prayed the little vibrating thing had enough signal strength to tell her when her table was ready.
The pub had pagers? Wow, Kit was impressed, but she had no time to linger over the feeling as another half dozen customers filtered in.
“Gawd, is this night ever going to end?” Gina asked. “I was hoping you’d be able to send me home early.”
“Me too. Picture your paycheck swelling.”
“Picture Roger swelling.”
“Eeww! I did not need to hear that!”
Finally the line outside the pub dwindled, the reporters left, and most of the people were inside eating while listening to an Irish folk singer that Kit could hear plain as day through the paper-thin wall. The DVD cases rattled from the volume. Charlotte from the fabric store had come over after her store closed with a notice that she was calling a shop owner meeting about the noise. But…the movie store was finally calm. Not long now and she could close up shop and go home and get some needed sleep.
Or not.
Haden dashed in at five minutes to eleven. The images of stuffed cash drawers and long customer lines in his head clued Kit in to his identity even before she turned around from her shelving duties to face him.
She smiled and hoped it didn’t look like a grimace. “I see you’re quite pleased with yourself, aren’t you?”
His grin stretched from ear to ear. “The place is packed…still. We were on the six o’clock news, and they said they’d run the spot again on the eleven o’clock broadcast.” He clapped his hands together. “Free publicity ‑‑ what could be better than that?”
“A good food review?” Kit suggested, wondering if one of the many diners had been from the paper or Style Weekly.
Gina popped her head around the corner. She’d been restocking the shelves along the back wall. Now her eyes widened, and she fanned herself vigorously, pretending to swoon. Kit resisted the urge to tell her to get back to work, since that would draw Haden’s attention to the girl’s antics.
“So why’d you leave the scene of your success?” Kit asked.
“To invite you to the after-after party.”
“The party we can’t start until the last customer officially leaves. Not sure how late that might be, but you’re welcome to come over and hang out in the bar after you close until that time. If you’d like.”
Thoughts of her soft bed and cuddly dog flitted through her mind, but then Haden started doing the erotic-mind-movie thing again, and she found herself nodding despite an impending yawn.
Haden whipped his head around and pinned Gina mid-hand-gesture, her many rings glinting in the store lights. “You’re invited too. Any employees. Of course, if you’re underage, no drinking.”
The girl blushed beet red, but quickly recovered. “Thanks, but my honey’s expecting me as soon as we close up.”
“Invite him along if you like. But if not, I better let you get back to it.” He returned his gaze to Kit and his eyes darkened. “But you’ll be there?”
She nodded again, then followed him like a docile puppy so she could lock the deadbolt and flip the door sign after he left.
“That man should be on the catwalk,” Gina whispered. “Or on one of those box covers in the back room.”
“Heaven forbid,” Kit said. She didn’t want strange men and women ogling him, just her. “Well, you got your wish.”
“He’s a porn star?”
Kit rolled her eyes. “No, you get to go home early. I’ll handle everything from here.” Since Matt hadn’t been scheduled to close, he’d already split.
“There’s a lot to do.”
“But it looks like I’ll be sticking around late, so I’ll have plenty of time to do it.”
“Then I’ll leave before you change your mind.” She winked.
“You do that.”
The girl knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth. She hit the time clock and grabbed her purse and skedaddled. Kit turned off the lights in the front half of the store and rolled the returns box into place, wishing she could shake the uneasiness that had haunted her since the attempted holdup the other night. She hated that one person could change her enjoyment of being alone in her store. It wasn’t fair, but then, life rarely was.
* * * * *
Haden knew he shouldn’t have lied. Well, he hadn’t lied exactly, just stretched the truth. The word “party” hadn’t been entirely accurate. Yes, he’d promised a round of drinks to his employees after they’d completed their tasks for the night, but that was the extent of it. But he was so psyched, so high on the success of the pub’s first night he didn’t want to be alone. More than that, he needed to do something. Do someone, maybe.
What happened to swearing off women, H-man?
He would ask himself that, then go right back to thinking about Kit and her drugging scent. He smelled her arousal every time he was in the room with her. Yeah, he got that from other women, even when it was focused on someone other than him. The drinks had flowed, so now the smell of raging hormones, male and female, permeated the pub’s air, but the scent wasn’t sweet, not shooting directly at him like Kit’s.
Where was she, anyway? It was a full hour past her close. She hadn’t chickened out, had she? Or decided she was too tired? She had looked a bit tired earlier.
Haden drew the singer aside. “Time to say good night.”
The singer nodded and let the crowd know this would be his last song. The room seemed quiet once the music stopped, but the patrons kept chatting and laughing. Haden visited each table and turned on the charm. He wanted them to remember this as a place to come back to, a place that made them feel warm and satisfied.
Finally Kit snaked her way in through the tables and up to the bar. Her scent wafted across the room, even though Haden’s back was to her. She smelled fresher. When he turned, he realized
she’d changed clothes. She wore a low-cut flowing top of greens and blues over faded jeans. Nice. Sexy. Emilio, his bartender, slid a drink across the counter to her. Haden sniffed again. An Irish Rickey. He smiled.
“So you finally made it,” he said, laying his hand on her back.
She jumped. “Geesh, don’t sneak up like that! I decided to go home for a few minutes first, let Fergie out.”
“Good idea.”
“Crowd’s not dwindled much, I see.” She leaned forward giving him an enticing view of cleavage as her lips turned up flirtatiously.
“Not much, but I’m hoping the lack of music will entice them to leave soon.”
“But not leaving means more money.”
“Only if they’re still buying and not just talking.” He sat down on the stool next to her. “How was your store tonight?”
“Hopping! Crazy.”
“That’s good, right?” He was happy for her, even though that went against his original plan.
“Very good,” Kit agreed. “I needed a night like that. The money will allow me to increase orders on new releases this month, so thanks. I don’t know that all the shop owners were as pleased, though.”
She frowned, creating the tiniest crease in her brow, and nodded. “Yeah, I doubt the pub generated much rollover business for the fabric store.”
Haden scratched his chin. “But I would think all this exposure for the shopping center will eventually trickle down to all the merchants.” But if some of the merchants couldn’t hack it, well, that might make it easier for him to obtain space. The fabric store would be perfect if he wanted to get something going with Kit.
The lady’s frown turned into a scowl, and her scent changed. She’d been excited and a little turned on, but now… “Probably, but…well, did you know Charlotte’s called a shop owner meeting?” she said, sounding concerned. But then, why did she smell…annoyed?
Haden touched her arm. “She brought an envelope by, but I haven’t had a chance to read it. Why don’t you try your drink before all the ice melts?”
She ignored the drink and turned the stool so that she could put her foot on the floor. “You might want to spend some time cozying up to Charlotte and the other owners like you have me. I see none of them are here.”
“You’re not leaving already, are you?” Was she good friends with Charlotte? What had he said to piss her off?
“It’s late, and I think you have a lot left to do tonight.”
“Kit, I’m sorry if I’m disturbing the peace around here. I really do think it will help the shopping center overall, though. I mean, don’t you agree?” He slid his hand down to her elbow and caught a shiver. She was definitely into him, but she was loyal, too. “I’ll do whatever I can to help everybody. Maybe we can run group ads or something.”
Her eyes met his, fierce. “Will you do everything you can?”
“Of course. It’s only good business.”
“Sometimes ‘good business’ and ethics don’t always go together, though, do they?”
He pulled his hand back and stood. What did she mean by that? Did this have to do with his past? He shook himself. Of course not. Charlotte must’ve lit into him behind his back.
Emilio tapped the bar, pulling Haden from his confusion. He looked at the young man as he pointed at a nearby table. “They’re asking for you.”
“Ah.” Haden smiled at the patrons who were waving him over. Well, Kit would have to decide whether to stay or go on her own, and if she left, he’d have to try to iron things out with her tomorrow. Damn. That wasn’t his plan for the night at all.
The all-time worst thing about her gift was that she couldn’t explain to people that she reacted in a certain way because she was responding to their thoughts and not their words or actions. Kit settled back onto the stool, staring after Haden as she sipped her drink. She’d caught his thought about expanding the pub into Charlotte’s store space, and since Kit liked Charlotte and knew how long the fabric store had been open, she’d stood up for her. Only, Haden hadn’t known it. He thought her vehemence came out of left field. So now she felt stupid and confused.
She wanted to stay. She’d been so excited about it, about the possibility of more kisses, more erotic musings. Did Haden’s plans to expand the pub make him a villain? Worse, was he inviting her to the party to ensure she didn’t complain about him to management? And how wrong was it that she still wanted to jump his bones whether he was an unscrupulous business guy or not?
Very wrong. But still she sat there, watching him work his way around the room again as more and more patrons stood to leave. He shook hands and laughed and basically charmed the socks off of them. The Irish Rickey was good. She was shocked to realize it was gone when her straw made that unseemly sucking sound. The bartender, a twenty-something Hispanic man with the tiniest mustache on his upper lip and stylishly trimmed sideburns, slipped her a full drink before she even asked for it. His thoughts ping-ponged from aching feet to his girl waiting at home to what alcohol would need restocking in the morning.
“I’m Emilio, by the way,” he said when he caught her looking at him.
“Hi, Emilio. I’m Kitty.”
He grinned and seemed about to say more, but then switched to frantic swabbing of the counter. Kit knew from his thoughts that the “boss man” was coming up behind her.
“And we are closed,” Haden announced, his voice booming enough to make her jump again, even though she knew he was right behind her.
“Damn, stop doing that!”
Two men in white popped out of the kitchen. “Thank God!” one of them proclaimed, pulling his hairnet off and rubbing his face.
“Kitty, these guys are my cooks, obviously. Chef Dan and Ezekiel.”
“Just call me Zeke,” the second guy whispered.
“Did Emilio introduce himself?” Haden went on, gesturing at the barman.
“Yes, he did.”
More folks poured out of the back. Haden explained that he’d only worked one waitress tonight so he could give the evening that ultra-personal touch. Three guys and an older lady worked in the back bussing, washing dishes, stocking, and whatnot. Kit greeted them all and tried to remember their names. She was sure to see them around. Maybe they’d even become her customers.
Last, a blonde woman came through the swinging doors, but she was different from the rest. She wasn’t covered with food slop and didn’t smell like grease. She wore a tight black skirt and wraparound silk blouse, gold loop earrings, and a pearl necklace. She walked up to Haden, took both his hands and squeezed them. “Success!”
Who the hell was she?
Haden dropped the woman’s hands, but then he put an arm on her shoulder to turn her toward Kit. “This is my assistant manager, Angelica Meyerton.”
“Nice to meet you,” Kit said automatically.
“And this is?” Angelica mewed, glancing sideways at her boss.
“Kitty Lazarus owns the rental store next door. You two will probably run into each other a lot.”
“Nice to meet you.” But her thoughts were clear as day. Why is she here? None of the other shop owners are here. Why did he single her out?
Valid questions, Kit realized. She’d kind of expected Kyle and Linda to be here at least. But, truthfully, she knew that other things were on Haden’s mind, and those very same things were on her mind. Like, how soon could they get rid of everyone else and strip naked?
But, yowza, Angelica was not liking Kit’s presence! Her face said, I am calm, I am serene, but her thoughts were all about getting Kit out of here now, sending her back to her little hidey hole, and how Haden could even look at someone so short and fat and…
Kit’s eyes widened. Did Haden have something going with his assistant manager, or was it all in the catty lady’s imagination? Had he led her on somehow?
Haden was busy instructing everyone on clean up and shutdown and his plan for the next day, oblivious to the byplay between the two women
. Kit once again made a move for her purse, ready to leave, since this couldn’t be a good idea. Unfortunately, Haden somehow managed to snag her arm without attracting the staff’s attention. Except for Angelica. That lady’s eyes narrowed immediately. Be calm, Angel-darling. She’s not stealing Richard from you. That’s all that matters.
And, for the first time in four years, Kit was shocked by an image in someone’s mind. It wasn’t even an image. It was the sensation of a satin blindfold and a hot hand spanking her, a startling combination of pain, helplessness, and pleasure.
Whack! Bent over knees, rear sticking in the air ‑‑ easy access, thong pushed down her thighs, bare breasts tickled by air and the fabric of his pants. Whack! Anticipation. Liquid rushing down her thighs. “Harder, please.” A scream or a whisper, all the same. And another solid swat…
“I need to sit down,” Kit whispered to Haden so he’d let her make a move without tightening his hold on her arm. She plopped onto the barstool and focused on Emilio. His thoughts were simple, easy to understand, and not saturated with unfamiliar sensations. Safe. But her skin burned, and she couldn’t cool down.
Haden leaned over to her. “Are you okay?”
“Long day on my feet.” She fanned herself with a drink napkin. Angelica’s erotic memory disturbed her, but it tantalized her as well, and she couldn’t get it out of her mind.
* * * * *
Finally, Haden and Kit found themselves alone in the restaurant. Haden had been amazed when Kit had pitched in to help clear plates and straighten chairs, since she’d already spent a long day working in her own store. None of his employees had lingered over champagne, simply because they were exhausted. Despite his strong “encouragement” to stay, he’d half expected Kitty to leave before they were done with the closing tasks, especially when she’d sat down so suddenly after meeting Angelica. Maybe Kit’s female intuition had picked up on the same thing he’d smelled. If so, not good. It gave him the sinking suspicion that he should keep looking for a better assistant. But there was hardly any time to place another ad and go through another set of resumes and interviews, much less train someone enough to run the place in his absence. Short of burning the place down, how bad could it get with Angelica in charge?